Frequently asked questions.

How do I book an appointment?

When you’re ready to book your next tattoo, please head over to the “Book an appointment” tab, where the link and QR code are available to book. The link will take you to our studio enquiry form where you can either choose from our resident artist Adele, or our apprentice Heather. Alternatively you can just fill out the form for the studio and we’ll pick the best artist for your piece.

what is your cancellation policy?

If for whatever reason you need to cancel your appointment we ask that we get AT LEAST 48 hours notice. If we are notified over 48 hours, your deposit may be transferred to another appointment but only in extreme circumstances. DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. For further info, please see our T&Cs

Can i reschedule my appointment?

If you are no longer able to make your appointment and you would like to reschedule, please contact us as soon as possible but with at least 48 hours notice. We are happy to reschedule your appointment twice, however after that your deposit will be forfeited and a new deposit will be needed.

Can i use numbing cream?

The use of numbing cream for your appointments is at the artists discretion and we ask that you enquire PRIOR to your appointment/when booking.

Please remember to thoroughly read through the instructions and consider the potential side effects that your numbing cream has and ALWAYS patch test every single tube, even if it is the same brand or bought at the same time. We also recommend that if you are unsure, please ask the opinion of your GP before patch testing.

If you turn up to your appointment with a reaction to the numbing cream, or wearing numbing cream where we did not agree we will not be able to tattoo you and you will forfeit your deposit.

We typically don’t recommend numbing cream for longer sessions as it tends to wear out and every cream is different. The longest we have seen so far is 3-4 hours of numbness.

We are not liable for any adverse affects that numbing cream may have on yourself, or any adverse affects caused in the healing process.

can I bring someone with me to my appointment?

Although we are more than happy for you to bring along a person moral support (especially for those first tattoo jitters!), please be aware that you will not be allowed to bring anyone else with you into the treatment room. As much as we love a good chat, sometimes artists or clients would just prefer to keep their head down and focus, and talking can also mean that you are moving much more than normal which makes it much harder on the artist to work.

We also have to keep in mind, other clients may be getting tattooed at the same time and whilst we have privacy screens, having additional people in the room who are not getting tattooed can be nerve wracking especially when some placements require clients to adjust their clothing.

However, if certain circumstances require you to have someone accompany you for the tattoo process, please reach out to us. We'll do our best to accommodate your needs and make your experience as comfortable as possible.

can i bring my children to my appointment?

We ask that no one under the age of 18 is brought into our studio as it is an over 18 space, and is decorated as such.

We work in a strict clinical environment with sterile products and bodily fluids and our artists and clients need to concentrate without distractions. If you do turn up with anyone under the age of 18, we will politely ask that you wait outside for any childcare arrangements or unfortunately your appointment will be cancelled and your deposit will be forfeited.

We are very sympathetic to any childcare issues however we do ask that you contact us if you are having any issues arranging childcare for your appointment so that it can be rearranged ASAP.

What should I wear to my appointment?

Before your appointment, please ensure you have dressed in a way that will allow our artists unrestricted access to the area that will be tattooed. If you need to change into other clothing in our studio to allow this, this can be done in our bathroom after the consent form has been filled out. If you are unsure what clothing items would work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and we will happily provide advice.

Please remember that we have screens in place for privacy between clients if a tattoo is in a revealing area or if you would just feel more comfortable with extra privacy. Please note however that our staff may have to be around all parts of the studio as they will also be working, however all our artists will remain professional at all times, and when they can, they will avoid going into the screened area.

Tattoo ink stains, please don’t wear your Sunday best to your appointment!


It is essential to inform your tattoo artist of ANY and ALL allergies or medical conditions that you have as some may prevent us from tattooing you, or we may require permission from your GP before proceeding. If at your appointment we find that we do need to wait for GP permission or if you are experiencing any “flare ups” in the area to be tattooed from a medical condition you may forfeit your deposit and you will have to make a new appointment. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us prior to your appointment or booking.

Please remember that we are NOT doctors and your safety is our highest priority and we would always prefer to er on the side of caution.

What is a “touch-up”, and when do i need one?

Once your tattoo has fully healed (this can take up to 12 weeks to fully heal) and you notice any areas that are “missing” some ink, we would then recommend a touch up appointment. For all of our clients, the first touch up is always free on a tattoo (the tattoo must have been completed by one of our artists) however if we suspect that the tattoo has been picked throughout the healing process you may be charged a set up fee to help cover the costs of our equipment and time for the touch up appointment. If you are unsure, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Can i get a tattoo if i’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

We would not tattoo you whilst you are pregnant or breastfeeding due to the potential for infection and the risk that this would then have on yourself/child. We do ask that you wait until you are no longer pregnant/breastfeeding before making an appointment.

If you find that you are pregnant AFTER a tattoo has been booked with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can reschedule your appointment until after your bundle of joy has arrived. Alternatively we can offer your deposit/booking fee in the form of vouchers (with an expiration date to be discussed with each individual client), or in some circumstances transferring the deposit be arranged however please note that our 48 hour cancellation policy will still apply. For more information on this, please click here

If you have any further questions or concerns, pop us a message on facebook, instagram or e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as we can!